„Tests besser wiederverwenden – Java-8-Features in JUnit-Tests“ (Titelthema JavaMagazin 02/2016)
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awards best paper award at the ICN 2011
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Picture of Stefan Gasterstädt

Stefan Gasterstädt, né Liske

Leiter Entwicklung, IT-Consultant, Software Architekt

eHealth Experts GmbH
Claire-Waldoff-Straße 3
D-10117 Berlin, Germany
fon +49 30 652126-401
mobile +49 151 25126930
courses currently, I do not offer courses
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advisor ‘Media Connectivity in VoIP Infrastructures: Requirements, Detection, Enforcement’, master thesis by Markus Gusowski
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gratitude thanks to wallpaperscraft for this frosty background image
Icon of XING You can see my curriculum vitae at XING. In case of legitimate interest you can retrieve private details about me, too.
more about me at XING